Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Definition of Copulative Verb in Spanish

Copulative verbs are among the most useful verbs in Spanish. Unlike verbs that are used to express an action, copulative verbs are used to indicate that a noun coming before the verb is equal to or has characteristics of the word or words following the verb. Definition of Copulative Verb A copulative verb is one that connects the subject of a sentence with a noun (or noun phrase) that is the equivalent of the subject or an adjective that describes the subject. Copulative verbs denote a state of being and, with the exception of verbs such as to become that express a change in state of being, usually dont express action. You can think of a copulative verb as something like an equals sign: What comes before the verb refers to the same person or thing that comes after it. Note that in Spanish, the subject of a verb doesnt have to be explicitly stated. In the sentence, the subject in Nosotros estamos felices (We are happy) can be deleted without any change in meaning, making Estamos felices. The copulative verb for both sentences is estamos. A copulative verb is also known as a linking verb, copular verb, or copula. The equivalent terms in Spanish are verbo copulativo or verbo de unià ³n. The Three Main Copular Verb of Spanish In Spanish, traditionally the three main copulative verbs are ser, estar and parecer. Ser and estar are usually translated as to be, while parecer usually means to seem. Both be and seem often are copulative in English as well. These verbs are copulative verbs only when they performing a linking purpose. All three, especially estar, have other uses as well. Copulative verbs can be used in all tenses and moods. Examples of the three verbs being used as copulas: Mi hermana es estudiante. (My sister is a student.)No somos una repà ºblica bananera. (Were not a banana republic. In this example, the subject nosotros isnt explicitly stated.)Los mexicanos fueron superiores a nosotros. (The Mexicans were superior to us.)Espero que la comida està © sabrosa. (I hope the food will be tasty.)Mi madre estuvo casada. (My mother was married.)Estamos muy agradecidas. (Were very grateful.)La casa parece triste y vacà ­a sin ella. (The house seems sad and empty without her.)Me parece muy difà ­cil. (It seems very difficult to me. The subject is not explicitly stated.)Pablo me parecà ­a muy guapo. (Pablo seemed very handsome to me.) Other Copulative Verbs Other verbs, such as those that express feelings, appearances, or the action of becoming, can also act as copulas: Sus ojos semejan los de un perro. (Its eyes resemble those of a dog.)Los pobres permanecen pobres y los ricos permanecen ricos. (The poor stay poor and the rich stay rich.)Me siento enojado cuando no me hablas. (I feel angry when you dont speak to me.)El senador se mostraba complaciente. (The senator seemed complacent.)A los 40 aà ±os, Elena se volvià ³ doctora. (At the age of 40, Elena became a doctor.)La oruga se convirtià ³ en mariposa. (The caterpillar became a butterfly.)

Monday, December 23, 2019

Description Of Airport Transfers For A Small Business

The potential service I could offer locally and run as a small business would be airport transfers for my local region. To deliver the service, the following would be needed to get the business up and running: Register a business; Purchase and activate a mobile phone for the business, with a suitable mobile plan that includes Internet access; Purchase a laptop and utilise free Wifi or the Internet via the mobile phone; Setup a website that covers the business information, services, rates and contact details; Setup online payment system that allows collection of payments during booking process; Purchase a van suitable as a vehicle the actual transfers; Purchase suitable vehicle insurance; Once the necessary purchases have been completed,†¦show more content†¦General Internet research to see if there are any other useful sources of information available that can help make a more informed decision. Once the information is collected a decision could be reached based on the perceived demand based on the data collected. Evaluating the competition and how much the competition already covers for the market. Consider if market penetration is going to be very difficult or if there will be limited barriers to gain entry into this market. Based on this, if there is room in the market for more competition and barriers or low, then that makes the proposed business and service more attractive. If competition is high and hard to penetrate than this makes the business proposition more risky and less favourable. Additionally any projected estimated changes in the market should be done as well. If data shows a drop per year of visitors staying in the local area then that would highlight ongoing competition will be harder as time goes on, unless something significant occurs which changes the clientele levels. As part of this exercise I ran some Internet searches on businesses offering such services and found there were many, there were also taxi companies, chauffeur services, limo services and even motels that had their own shuttle services offering services outside of the motel’s direct staying clientele. The amount of competition to enter thisShow MoreRelatedThe Transatlantic Airline Market Between The United States And Europe1423 Words   |  6 PagesMarket Description: The transatlantic airline market between the United States and Europe is the single largest intercontinental market in the world, with rigorous competition between dozens of airlines. The transatlantic market consists of passengers, both seeking business and pleasure needs. Within the first year of offering transatlantic flights, higher income professionals travelling for business purposes will be targeted, along with families and students travelling on a J-1 visa. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Effects of Childhood Trauma Impacts Free Essays

Abstract A common theme Northern Ohio Recovery Association have identified is how inappropriate behavior affects children systems education, mental health, child welfare, juvenile justice, and substance abuse. Trauma, the experience of an event by a person that is emotionally painful or distressful which often results in lasting mental and physical effects. This research proposal will attempt to measure how many youth’s at Northern Ohio Recovery Association Positive Action Program, have had effects of childhood traumatic maltreatment and how it impacts delinquent behaviors. We will write a custom essay sample on The Effects of Childhood Trauma Impacts or any similar topic only for you Order Now The data collection is from SoQuic assessment tool. It will be completed at Northern Ohio Recovery Association facility. The outcome of this proposal will suggest that the youth entering the agency had some form of childhood traumatic maltreatment that caused delinquent behaviors. The number of participants will be according to the Facilitator Administration decision during the six-month treatment time period. Statement of the Problem Children exposed to traumatic maltreatment increases delinquent behavior. According to the U. S. Department of Justice the rate of youth involvement in the juvenile system in the United States has increase and continues to grow. However, it shows that youth in the rural communities are experiencing identical delinquent crimes as urban youth (U. S. Department of Justice, 1965-1992). The widespread and nature of crimes that is being committed by our youth are very important issues that needs behavioral modification treatment. Issues of juvenile delinquent offenders could connect to childhood traumatic maltreatment. This social problem has affected the value of life in our society, economical system, educational system, and social structure. This study examines issues in method, focus and how childhood traumatic maltreatment can lead to juvenile delinquency. The societal problems of sex offending behavior, youth attitudes towards violence crime, mental health issues, cost of imprisonment and the cost of boarding children from the child welfare system. These societal problems will indeed boost the crime rate, health cost, housing, and homelessness, which in turn will have the taxpayers, pay an additional cost for the reentry of these juveniles. There are so many youth who have been effected by trauma the significance and purpose of the study is rebuilding intervention program and focusing on the needs of youth. Literature Review According to DSM-V conduct disorder is a behavioral and emotional disorder of childhood and adolescence. Children with conduct disorder act inappropriately, infringe on the rights of others, and violate the behavioral expectations of others. One of the most effective courses of treatment for teenagers at NORA is behavior modification programs. They are designed to help the youth be able to make better choices. Dembo, Richard; Winters, Ken; Belenko, Steven; Gulledge, Laura (2007) looked at Truant youths represent an important target group for addressing drug use and related problems, and lowering risk for moving into the juvenile justice system. We are implementing and evaluating a brief intervention (BI) for truant youths brought to a Tampa, FL Truancy Center by law enforcement. We plan to enroll 300 official non-delinquent and minor delinquent truants and their parents in this NIDA funded Stage 2 clinical trial. The BI is grounded in Rational-Emotive Therapy and Behavior Problem Solving Therapy. Three groups will be compared: (1) a 2-session youth only condition (BI-Y), (2) a 2-session youth and 1-session parent condition (BI-YP), and (3) a standard truancy services (STS) condition. The impact of these service conditions on drug use and related behaviors (e. g. , delinquent behavior) will be assessed up to 18 months, involving five data collection points. We hypothesize that both the BI-Y and BI-YP conditions will reveal significant intervention effects compared to the STS group, and that BI-YP participants will reveal greater treatment effects compared to BI-Y, based on the expectation that enhanced parenting will favorably impact intervention effects. We report on the design, implementation and some preliminary results from this study. Schram, Pamela J. ; Gaines, Larry K (2007) examined Most research indicates that males comprise the greatest proportion of gang members. Since the 1990s, however, there has been an increasing interest in female gangs and gang members. The current study builds on this research interest by examining differences between female gang members and non-gang members who participated in a juvenile probation program designed to identify and intervene with youth considered to be high risk for subsequent criminal and delinquent activity. The results of a logistic regression analysis revealed that two factors significantly influenced a female offender’s likelihood of being rearrested: she did not complete the program, and she did not live with her natural parent(s). We conclude that the significant results do support findings from previous research in this area; we also discuss possible explanations as to why other factors were not significantly related to rear rests. In an identical review Greenwood, Peter (2007) explains how Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) involves the use of scientific data to guide intervention designs and decisions. A number of approaches to (EBP) for delinquent and dependent youth are being tested and marketed. All are facing varying degrees of difficulty with issues such as program transfer, model fidelity, funding, certification, and growth. This presentation will draw on the experiences of some of the leading private providers and program developers who have been dealing with these issues for a number of years. Salvatore, Christopher; Hiller, Matthew; Samuelson, Benta; White, Elise (2007) examined Although the first juvenile drug court was established over a decade ago, compared to adult drug courts, relatively little research has been published on these programs and many question whether this intervention for drug-involved youth is a useful addition to the juvenile justice system. Recently, however, findings from a randomized study showed that a juvenile drug court (including modifications for including Multisystem Theory and Contingency Management) reduced the during-program delinquent behavior compared to youth in traditional family court. These findings suggest that it is important to develop a fuller understanding of the program impact theory and services delivery model of extant juvenile drug court programs (particularly as components of on-going evaluation activities. The current paper presents findings from a year-long process evaluation of a large juvenile treatment court serving inner city youth on the East Coast. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected through participant observation, in-depth surveys, and focus groups to describe the theory behind the implementation of the program as well as the logical sequencing of specific types of services for helping youth to achieve both short-term and long-term goals, including remaining free from new adjudications, reducing and eliminating the use of illicit drugs, increase performance in school, and for becoming â€Å"productive† members of society. A logic model of the program linking characteristics of the target population to services and subsequent outcomes will be discussed as well as initial findings regarding participant compliance in the program. Research Question/ Hypothesis The hypothesis the effects of childhood trauma impacts juvenile delinquent is supported by research findings. (1) do the effects of childhood traumatic maltreatment impacts youth becoming delinquent? Using quantitative methods using the agency SoQuic assessment tool by the direct service management team to provide accurate information about the Bio-psychosocial history of the children engage in the program. 1. Dependent Variable= Impacts juvenile delinquent 2. Independent Variables= Effects of childhood traumatic maltreatment The relationship between these two variables suggests that the independent variable is a cause of the dependent variable. Therefore, effects of childhood traumatic maltreatment are reason for increase juvenile delinquent. B. Our hypothesis we believe is true based on the literature concerning the effects of childhood traumatic maltreatment impacts juvenile delinquent because children who have been expose to maltreatment tends to engage in juvenile delinquent behaviors. C. The Null hypothesis is: The effects of childhood traumatic maltreatment have no difference on juvenile delinquent Research Design The type of design we will use to test our hypothesis is the classic experimental design. We chose this type of design because we already know the relationship between the variables. However, we wanted to find out if this relationship could show a cause in the impacts of juvenile delinquency. We will have two groups of thirty youths’ who have engaged in delinquent behaviors. One of these groups will receive positive action (e. g. behavioral modification) intervention group and individual therapy related to delinquent behaviors and the other will not. The therapy will provide counseling on the following areas: degree of youth’s behaviors that evokes conflicts, behavior response expectations, and supportive services provided. The experimental group will receive this therapy for six months. Pretreatment therapy will be provided to engage, observe, and measure patterns of social norms with respect to parental authority. Counselors will be on hand to assist. Discharge process will take place after the six months is up the youths will be individually interviewed about the behavioral modification intervention in the previously mentioned areas once more. The study we are going to conduct also has some strength. Since we randomly select sample into two groups of youths, we are assured of being able to generalize our findings from the sample to the population. Due to the fact that our study is experimental, this means that our design is more rigorous and is more controlling for some internal validity concerns. In addition, the design controls for all of the internal validity concerns except for testing effects because we will only measure the change in the experimental and control group once rather than repeatedly. Sampling The study population is the effects of childhood traumatic maltreatment impacts juvenile delinquent. We will use stratified random sampling in our experiment. We will have sixty youths in our sample and split them into two groups. Each of the groups will have as follows: presenting problems, living situation, social history information, education history, mental health treatment history, current medication information, past psychotropic medications, alcohol/drug history, alcohol/drug treatment history, legal history, abuse history, problem check list including functional domains, and suicidal history. Measurement Operational of the variables shows delinquent youth in this study will be measured by SoQuic assessment tool upon intake at the facility. We are concerned with test-retest reliability since we will be asking self reporting questions for both of the interviews. We will still need to be concerned with interobserver reliability if there is a difference between the different interviewers. Our experiment has face validity due to the fact that our reliable measures make How to cite The Effects of Childhood Trauma Impacts, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

A Comparison Of Coleridge’S Rationalism To Wordsworth’S Li Essay Example For Students

A Comparison Of Coleridge’S Rationalism To Wordsworth’S Li Essay beralismAll friendships grow and nurture each other through time. The friendship between Coleridge and Wordsworth allowed for a special relationship of both criticism and admiration to develop. As their friendship matured, they would play important roles in each other’s works, culminating in their joint publication of Lyrical Ballads, which is said to mark the beginning of the Romantic period and be a combination of their best works. Despite their basic differences in poetic styles and philosophical beliefs, they would help each other create numerous works renown for their depth and creativity. Coleridge was a reserved dreamer, a true poet from the beginning. He was an eccentric young boy who found solace in the intellectual requirements of school. However, he did not have the discipline to continue through school, and eventually dropped out of Jesus College, Cambridge. Coleridge lived in dependence of his friends, clinging to them for support this explains the almost reverent attitude Coleridge held towards Wordsworth. The relationship they shared grew strongly from 1797 through late 1802, until Coleridge, as a result of an addiction to an opium-based drug and his decaying health, alienated himself from Wordsworth and his friends. Under these conditions, Coleridge would move into the second phase of his life, characterized by prolific writings and philosophical reflection. During this time he reflected upon his life and reconciled with his friends.The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is recognized as Coleridge’s most influential poem; appropriately being one he published in Lyrical Ballads. The main theme of the poem concerns the actions a Mariner took and their consequences. However, an analysis of the poem reveals the imagination applied to create the poem and also the logic employed. The poem is broken into seven parts, but these parts can be characterized into the Mariner’s three main stages of realization concerning morality. Reflecting his Christian beliefs and strong philosophical ideals from the study of Kant, Coleridge incorporates the possibility of an afterlife, images of saints and angels and also the importance of moral behavior. Including these themes into his poetry leads us to believe he had a fascination with the more obscure aspects of life. The religious inclinations play an important role in determining the three stages of the Mariner’s rationale. The first stage consists of the first 2 parts of the poem. This is the period where the Mariner is oblivious to the spiritual aspect and importance of the Albatross’ life, which symbolizes hope and good fortune to the travelers. Coleridge, by advice from Wordsworth, would have the Mariner kill the Albatross, brining misfortune to him and the travelers. From this point on the Mariner and his crew suffer as a result of his carelessness. This is also a prime example of Coleridge’s demonic poetry, where he would break through his personal and moral fears through the use of immoral characters. Another example of his rationalism can be seen here. Requiring an outlet for his burdened conscious, he creates characters that are moral failures through which he copes with his moral dilemmas. The third stage takes place after part 5 when the Mariner is absolved by the Spirits, the boat is sent back on course and the Mariner continues to teach the love people should hold for all of God’s creations by his example. Coleridge is criticized for the way he ends the poem though. He changes the direction the poem seems to be taking, making it confusing for the reader to interpret his desired message. In the scene describing the Spirits attack on the ship, Coleridge wrote:Four times fifty living men,(And I heard nor sigh nor groan)With heavy lump, a lifeless lump,They dropped down one by one. Salem Witch Trials Essay Wordsworth helped Coleridge understand his views of consciousness and memory so as to better develop his characters. The romanticism that accompanies Wordsworth’s liberal ideals also influenced Coleridge’s poem through the ambition and perseverance the main characters have. Coleridge in turn inspired Wordsworth. In the poem We Are Seven, along with a few other poems, Wordsworth is seen changing his conception of death to that of Coleridge’s; one more final and rigid. Both poets use their talents to give the reader and understanding of how deep his own sense of reality is. At times, Coleridge would help Wordsworth finish his poems, interjecting his more â€Å"down to earth† style of writing to make his seem less unbelievable. The pinnacle of their combined poetic effort can be seen in the dual publication of Lyrical Ballads. A combination of both poets’ works, this book brings into focus more of their similarities. As more poems are compared, it can be understood that both poets had a fascination with death and misfortune. It is clearly seen in both the poems mentioned earlier, but also in other poems. Wordsworth’s The Thorn deals with the withering of a thorn and its comparison to a beautiful hill showing the age-old comparison of youth and age. As for Coleridge, he deals with the theme of death in Misfortune. Both poets are also intrigued by the imagination of people. They explicitly use the theme of imagination and its relation to memory in Coleridge’s Kubla Khan and Wordsworth’s The Prelude. Wordsworth and Coleridge are two poets that deserve recognition for their literary talent. Taking into account the few, yet substantial differences between them, it can be said that they are more alike than not. The literary styles used are at opposite ends of a long spectrum yet they seem to compliment each other’s work so well it becomes difficult to establish where the lines are drawn. Both poets had the same goal when writing their poetry, and that is what brings them together more than anything else. BibliographyWorks Cited1) Abrams, Donaldson, David, Smith, Lewalski, Adams, Logan, Monk, Lipking, Stillinger, Ford, Christ, Diaches, Stalworthy. The Norton Anthology: English Literature 6th-ed. W.W. Norton Company ? 1996. Page 12692) Harold Bloom. Modern Critical Views: William Wordsworth. Chelsea House Publishers ? 1985. Pages 88-91, 154-1583) Harold Bloom. Modern Critical Views: Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Chelsea House Publishers ? 1985. Pages 3-8, 13-17, 201-208,4) The Oxford Authors. William Wordsworth. Oxford University Press ? 1990 Page 6895) Virginia L. Radley. Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Twayne Publishers ? 1966 Pages 17-26, 136-1436) Joseph Gibaldi. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers 4th ed. The Modern Language Association of America ?1995 7) Electronic test Center, University of Virginia Library. Lyrical Ballads: William Wordsworth http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/lyricalballads.html English Essays

Friday, November 29, 2019

Natural Beauty Essay Example

Natural Beauty Essay Have you ever looked in the mirror, and never seemed to see yourself as what you consider beautiful? A person is not always considered beautiful for their physical appearance, but for how they truly are from inside. The song Natural Beauty from Immortal Technique is a song that gives a message to all the people out there who feel insecure about themselves. It shows that you Just need to be yourself and everything will go smooth, because if you dont find yourself beautiful, then it would give you a harder time to socialize with friends and you would have the feeling of Ewing uncomfortable. We will write a custom essay sample on Natural Beauty specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Natural Beauty specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Natural Beauty specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer A literary device that the song Natural Beauty has is metaphor, for the fact that all the artist is singing is making a direct comparison with a persons natural beauty and with someones who is fake, as in plastic surgery, or would try to imitate to be someone else who isnt them. Now a days beauty propaganda makes people feel insecure about themselves to the point that they decide to imitate somebody else who isnt them. For example, These magazines got you caught in a hustle (line#26). This quote shows that most magazines show famous people ,and they always look so perfect. This makes some people feel less important or even beautiful, than famous people. In consequences, it makes them want to change who they truly are. Another thing is that all the fans that follow their favorite singer, actor/actress idol or anybody else, makes them want to imitate who they admire. A bio polar society that claims to be righteous spray painting artificial melanin trying to be like us is a quote that meaner that they are people out there that are crazy and would do anything to look how they want to. These people are called fanatics. Fanatics have come to the extreme that they would literally get plastic urges, dye their hair, bleach their skin and imitate every single characteristic of the person they admire. And no matter how much you insist on telling them that what they are doing is wrong, they wont listen and claim that what they are doing is right. The bad side about this is that you have to be yourself in order to live life as you personally would like to live it. Women are usually the ones who tend to be more insecure about their weight, appearances, and dress style. Its pretty surprising with how far woman go to make themselves perfect. Were going backwards, from hip-hop to the park, to the experiments by DRP. Kenneth Clark The singer is trying to give a brief explanation to how back in the days there would be people having fin in the park, dancing, and enjoying life. But now all people do is let doctors experiment our bodies. They experiment with our bodies by giving us implants or liposuction, when all you need to do is go out to the gym and work out to have your dream body in a healthy way. These surgeries besides from costing hundreds of dollars, can lead to horrific consequences like pain, infections, allergic reactions, nausea and vomiting. Got you brain washed to the point your bleaching your skin (line#9). Now this quote says something really strong. Your skin color is one of the things youre supposed to be restless severe actions then they seriously need some therapy help, for the fact that you have to stay strong and always love who you truly are. Society makes people change how they look for they can fit in as in make friends or get attention. Now who got the collagen under they lipstick, Arabic hips, surgical sickness This shows that some woman are obsessed to look good that they get a shot called collagen. This is Just a shot that goes on your lips and makes them look fuller. By Arabic hips they mean those implants that fix your hips and butt. This quote emphasizes what women are whiling to do with their bodies to Just get attention by telling everyone that they got plastic surgery too. And if you healthy they make you think youre a manatee. What Immortal Technique mean by they is media, magazines, and maybe those people that are really close to you. They dont mean it in the way that they tell you directly, but in the way that makes you have low esteem and to the point which make you seem fat when youre really not. This matters because youre not supposed to let nobody or anything bring you down. Only you can decide if you w ant to change who you are. No matter what people say, youre beautiful. With a skinny white woman image that the media and specifically the fashion industry pushes upon us, its easy to forget the truth, that real beauty comes with in. You are naturally beautiful and you must always remember that. The beauty industry makes a lot of money off an unrealistic beauty ideal. An ideal that can only be used by purchasing products and getting expensive surgery. They make you hate yourself and the way you look, and therefore it benefits your scars..

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Squealer

. Squealer convinced the animals that Napoleon was a great leader that all of the animals should defend and be proud of him, but what truly was happing was that Napoleon wasn’t actually doing anything unless breaking the animal farm rules. Squealer is the one in charge to tell the rest of the animals that Napoleon is great and victorious, while he is probably breaking the rules or even changing them. The proper morph for Squealer is a Propaganda man for a great leader. All around the story whenever you see Squealer, he will be talking to the rest of the animals. Squealer was always very convinced that all animals believed him at all time, but he also knew when they didn’t believe or when they knew he was lying. We can see this at the last chapter when Squealer looks suspiciously at the animals in the barn meeting. For anything Napoleon wanted that was not in the rules he would get it but very smartly he would be backed upped by Squealer. B... Free Essays on Squealer Free Essays on Squealer Squealer is short, fat, twinkle-eyed and nimble, "a brilliant talker." He has a way of skipping from side to side and whisking his tail that is somehow very persuasive. They say he can turn black into white! That's just what he does, again and again: every time the pigs take more wealth and power, Squealer persuades the animals that this is absolutely necessary for the well being of all. When things are scarce, he proves that production has increased- with figures. He is also the one who makes all the changes in the Seven Commandments. In human terms he is the propaganda apparatus that spreads the "big lie" and makes people believe in it. Squealer is a very important character in this novel. Squealer is the only animal in the farm that can make black look white. During the worst days of animal farm, squealer would come happily whisking his tail ready to do what he was best at, talking. Squealer would do anything for his job, he would even lie sometimes but what he really used was words. Squealer convinced the animals that Napoleon was a great leader that all of the animals should defend and be proud of him, but what truly was happing was that Napoleon wasn’t actually doing anything unless breaking the animal farm rules. Squealer is the one in charge to tell the rest of the animals that Napoleon is great and victorious, while he is probably breaking the rules or even changing them. The proper morph for Squealer is a Propaganda man for a great leader. All around the story whenever you see Squealer, he will be talking to the rest of the animals. Squealer was always very convinced that all animals believed him at all time, but he also knew when they didn’t believe or when they knew he was lying. We can see this at the last chapter when Squealer looks suspiciously at the animals in the barn meeting. For anything Napoleon wanted that was not in the rules he would get it but very smartly he would be backed upped by Squealer. B...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Beatles Story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Beatles Story - Essay Example The group gained more popularity in Britain in the 1960s due to their creativity. â€Å"Love Me Do,† which was their first single, became a hit in 1962 (The Beatles, 2000, p. 75). The group started gaining popularity internationally in 1964, when they ventured into the American music market. The year 1964 was their biggest year that saw them conquer America – the biggest record market. This is the year that America was mourning the death of President John F. Kennedy and the group appeared on the scene to end the mourning and to bring Americans excitement and fun (Everett, 1999, p. 44). After 1964, the group had become international stars and they made extensive tour across the world performing commercial concerts. Their most notable influential albums include Abbey Road, The Beatles, and Revolver. The Beatles eventually broke up in 1970 and each member successfully pursued their individual musical careers (The Beatles, 2000, p. 108). As far as their style of music was concerned, the group mainly focused on the rock and roll genre of music. According to Barrow (2005, p. 156), the Beatles revolutionized the style, attitude and sound of popular music, as well as enhanced the popularity of rock and roll music in Britain and the world at large. Even though their first style was based on classical rock and roll genre, the group expanded the genre’s stylistic frontiers in the 1960s. The group utilized other genres and often encompassed them in rock and roll genre. The variety of genres that they incorporated includes psychedelic, baroque pop, and folk-rock among others. It is important to note that the members had diverse approaches to their musical composition, which further enhanced the quality of their music, and this made them a favourite of music fans across the world (Womack, 2007, p. 79). Apparently, as Womack (2007)

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Effective Crisi Communications (thesis) Thesis Proposal

Effective Crisi Communications ( ) - Thesis Proposal Example Depending on the situation, it is crucial that each organization involved in handling such situations is well aware of their next step to keep panic from spreading in public. In order to deal with a crisis situation many factors and issues need to be given consideration, for instance, how to communicate the situation to the general public without alarming. In this case, media plays an important role, so it needs to be given appropriate information by the organization (Coombs, 2007). The present paper focuses on how to effectively deal with crisis situations. The paper takes into consideration various crisis situations from the past and provides an analysis on how they were managed and what could have been done to better manage them. Moreover, the paper discusses each step of crisis management plan in detail and how to best implement it. The paper discusses the dos and don’ts of crisis management and also presents the consequences of taking bad decisions in such situation. Anot her important factor in crisis management, which is often sidelined, is the image of the organization managing the crisis. When planning for crisis management, it is important to keep in mind the public image of the organization, i.e. how will the general public perceive the actions taken by the organization in a crisis situation. Taking wrong decisions can tarnish the image of an organization in seconds. The organization may recover from the physical and economical harm done to it but the tarnished image will be difficult to fix, as those bad decision will be remembered and used as examples for years to come. The paper focuses on both economical and natural disasters and the role of both, the role of governmental and non-governmental institutions in a crisis situation. The changes made in the methods of dealing with crisis management are also discussed in the paper. In order to successfully explore all these topics related to crisis management, the following

Monday, November 18, 2019

Political Environment Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Political Environment Case - Essay Example The following concerns are hereby addressed: Response to the Letter One would first acknowledge support and congratulatory greetings to the new governor to indicate that one is not a detractor, nor a political enemy. It would be emphasized that any current policies and procedures would be appropriately justified to ensure that these are aligned with his administration’s thrust on addressing security and enhanced inmate programs. One would simply note that the currently implemented policies conform with the 1984 Justice Assistance Act which apparently removed previous restrictions and were inmates are enjoined to do productive work (Peak, 2007). Likewise, there were apparent recommendations enforced by the American Jail Association that encourages training programs, which are consistent with the educational and vocational programs currently implemented in the state prisons. ... One could present current statistics of improvements and therefore justify and rationalize that tighter and tougher policies and programs are not effective means to improve the current situation and condition of state prisons. As emphasized in the Prison Litigation Reform Act of 1995, state prisons are encouraged â€Å"to provide for appropriate remedies for prison condition lawsuits, to discourage frivolous and abusive prison lawsuits, and for other purposes† (Peak, 2007, p. 255). As such, imposing tighter and tougher inmate policies would expose the state prisons to potential lawsuits that would be detrimental to the image of the state and of the new governor, who openly suggested these measures. Thus, aside from instituting tougher inmate programs, the current education and vocational programs which would capitalize on making the inmates productive would be more beneficial in the long run. Internal and External Support Therefore, rather than outrightly dismantling current p olicies and programs that have been effective and deemed successful, one would seek support from both internal and external stakeholders. From internal sources, one would solicit support from prison staff and personnel through a formal letter or correspondence and enjoining them to openly validate the progress and effectiveness of these current programs to the newly elected governor. They could send formal letters and copy furnish these correspondences to the local publications to make the new governor aware the all current programs and policies are transparent and effective. Likewise, external support could be solicited from the local community members who benefit from reduced recidivism of prisoners and for teaching them vocational and

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Henri Cartier Bresson And Terence Donovan Photography Essay

Henri Cartier Bresson And Terence Donovan Photography Essay To discuss the contextual differences of two artists. To compare and contrast two images by two different photographers. The two artists I have chosen to look at for this investigation are Henri Cartier Bresson and Terence Donovan. To compare and contrast the two images I have chosen by these artists, not only must the images be deconstructed, but the artists background. The aim is to develop an understanding of why the photographer took the image, whether social pressures or cultural pressures had anything to do with the reasoning behind the image being captured. Henri Cartier Bresson was born in the early 1900s where as Terence Donovan was born 1936, which gave Bresson 30 years head start in his photographic career. Both artists lived throught World War II. Due to very different upbringings the images are totally different. Henri Cartier Bresson was a French documentary photographer whereas Terence Donovan was a British fashion photographer this is the most obvious and clarifying reason for the different style of photography. They both became inspired by the world of the photographic image in very different ways. In the 1960s for example, the cultures differences between England and France were huge. France where Parisians were revolting against the boundaries of normal society and Britain which was the height of fashion and culture. Henri Cartier Bresson would have been considered fairly wealthy, in that era, simply because his was born into wealth, this gave him the opportunity to pursue his career in photography and the arts, which may not have been made possible otherwise. Bresson also had a full and extremely beneficial education, attending University, and afterwards doing his mandatory service in the French Army. Bresson matured both artistically and as a man during a turbulent cultural and political era. This is reflected in many of his images, because of his documentation of the worlds great events during his lifetime, such as Gandhis funeral, the final stage of the Chinese Civil War and many other great historical events. Terence Donovan on the other hand, was born into a working class family, but had a true passion for the photographic art from a young age. Donovan attended a school specifically aimed at improving photographic knowledge in young minds. After attendance at school and experience in a stud io, he opened his own photographic studio and began image making. Terence Donovan was born in 1936 just before the Second World War started, and took his first photograph at a young age. The bomb-damaged industrial landscape of his home town of Stepney, became the backdrop of much of his fashion photography. Terence Donovan achieved so much at such a young age. He had his own photographic studio by the time he was in his twenties. He became particularly distinctive in the swinging London of the 60s. An era that can only be described as the first time young people wanted to be themselves. Terence Donovan had front page covers in magazines such as; Man about town, Vogue, Marie Claire, Nova, Queen and Elle, who were attracted by his versatility. Donovan became far more personal with age and was much more expressive than at the beginning of his career when he was more revolutionary. However, he did not just photograph the era, he helped shape it. The youth of the 60s was becoming far more outspoken and craved attention. However this was a static era in which models posed in prescribed ways. This was when and possibly why Donovan launched a defiant break from the norm of the time. With established standards of glamour and elegance as well as his close attention to detail, could be what lead to Donovans his elevated to celebrity status. Donovan was one of the first celebrity photographers, and became just as much as a celebrity, as those people he photographed. Where as Henri Cartier Bresson was born in 1908 his career in the arts began at a young age, but he did not discover the medium of photography until veiwing another artists work, which inspired him to become a documentary photographer. He did photograph some celebrities, such as Gandhi. The two photographers differ in this respect, because Terence Donovans photographs made people famous, whereas Henri Cartier Bresson photographs made him more famous, rather than the people in his images. Henri Cartier Bresson has a skill at envisaging an image, even when simply walking through the streets of Paris, his compostion is second to none, the rule of third is a compostional technique, captured in most of his images seems almost flawless. The fact that his camera is hand held, he manages to capture images, without camera shake, with good compostional skill, with the lighting being natural and without the subjects even realising they are being photographed. Once a subject realises they are being photographed they become far more formal and adapt and unnatural behaviour. The fact his subjects are completely unaware of the image being taken, makes his photographs far more pure and untainted and therefore even more spectacular. Especially so in this image, the couple being photographed are kissing, and are clearly unaware, if they were, this image would have lost its natural beauty, because the image would have been posed for. The small camera Bresson used when taking this speci fic shot, gave him the ability to get very intimate with this couple without there knowledge. In comparison Terence Donovans work is clearly set up and each photograph he takes he plans each sitters pose. In the majority of his portraiture, the sitter is making direct eye contact with the viewer, meaning the sitters attention is directed at the camera, and not elsewhere. Donovans photographs are always completely in focus which attracts attention. His photographs are artificially composed and are orderly which makes them even more spectacular. One photograph in particular of Terence Donovans stood out in my eyes. His photograph of the well-known actor Terence Stamp is, in my view, visually stunning. His face is defined so clearly by the contrasting colours and the light is directed upon his facial features, this adds sharpness and obvious clarity. This photograph has masses of detail and atmosphere because of the negative space and the mood of the sitter. Terence stamp looks very aware, determined, and undisguised because of the bluntness of his stare. The light is coming slightly from the right of the sitter so shadows appear on his face which emphasises his facial features. The picture makes the sitter look demanding and as though he commands respect, this makes Terence stamp look iconic. Henri Cartier Bresson work is in it own right, iconic, because it captures culture and the time period in which it was photographed beautifully. The subjects in Bresson work are not looking at the camera, which gives them a certain anon ymity and disguises them. In comparison to the image by Terence Donovan, Bressons work has more detail, because it has a stage, a background, where as Donovans work simply has negative space. A simplistic but striking image, His versatility attracted me, shooting in mostly black and white; his professional, intelligent style sets him apart from other photographers. His use of tone and the quality and depth of the monochrome he uses, particularly the gradations from light to dark, were so striking and iconic. Donovan uses two highly contrasting colours black and white; this makes his photographs look professional, having little or no bright colours makes the photo less complicated. His photographs have so much atmosphere that colour would be an unnecessary addition to his photographs. The same of which can be said for Henri Cartier Bressons work, who also shot in black and white, but because his images were on the spur of the moment, they engage the viewer differently. His style is graphic but simplistic, so makes a big impact in an effortless manner. Having this style makes the photograph less complex and cluttered, having some negative space adds a sense of mystery, and makes the photograph far more dramatic. The crispness in all of Terence Donovan photographs adds precise detail and brilliantly defined lines. Where as in Henri Cartier Bressons work is far more complex, he could not make people in the streets pose for him, he had to be extremely patient to capture his images as well as being subtle. He was not able to pose people in the image, as he would have lost his entire ideology of capturing people in there natural environment which is what documentary photography is. The images I chose represents both artists work well because it gives an insight into how exactly they created and captured there images and also gives an example of some of great street photography, and studio photography. As well as helping to prove that both artists socio-cultural identity did affect there work in many ways. Henri Cartier Bresson photographed very ordinary things of the time period, but because he was documenting an era, whereas Terence Donovan photographed fashion at the time. The world in which these differing artists were raised and brought up in is definitely apparent in there images especially those taken in there native Cities, England and France. This exploration into both Henri Cartier Bressons work and Terence Donovans past and subsequently there image making helps substantiate that there upbringing and the social climate in which they existed probably made a significant impact on there work, and lifestyle.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Push and Invisible Man - Nobody Is Truly Invisible Essays -- Push, Inv

Precious and her family members are invisible to the larger world because they don’t posses any skill that enables them to make even the slightest difference in the world. The tests that Precious take show her lack of intelligence and only amplify her inferiority to the people around her. When you’re invisible, nobody treats you with respect; in the beginning of the book, everyone treats Precious like worthless trash. Though, later, she becomes visible again through the people she meets at the alternative school, and the birth of her second baby, Abdul. The two authors, the author of Push and the author of Invisible Man, both use the metaphor of invisibility to describe their main characters, but do so in different ways. In Push, Precious is invisible because of her inferiority to her peers and her lack of education. She struggles to find love and acceptance. However, in Invisible Man, the main character considers himself socially invisible, not being able to have a say in anything he does or any argument, despite the numerous rallies and protests that he performs speeches at. He...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Locke’s Human Understanding

1.â€Å"The way shown how we come by any knowledge, sufficient to prove it not innate† – The natural faculties that humans have since birth are the ones they use to attain knowledge, but do not have impressions that are innate to them. The development of this knowledge and principle is not innate in character because they evolve over time. 2.† General assent the great argument† – principles that accepted by men came from process of speculative arguments. Thus the end of this is the consent given by men towards the affirmation of a certain principle is not innate. 3. â€Å"Universal consent proves nothing innate† – given the fact that people have established the meaning of a consent, thus rendering the knowledge itself as not innate. 4.â€Å"What is, is;† and, â€Å"It is impossible for the same thing to be, and not to be,† not universally assented to.† – the argument used on the debate on universal consent to prove innate principle, is likewise the same as disproving the notion of innate principle. 5.â€Å"Not on the mind naturally, imprinted, because not known to children, idiots, etc† – there things that are not known or born naturally to children, thus those have to be introduced to them, making the knowledge not naturally endowed and innate to them. 6.â€Å"If reason discovered them, that would not prove them innate.† – though by claim of use of own personal reason, humans have discovered these reasoning by universal assent, rendering the principle or the knowledge as not naturally imprinted by the human mind. 7.â€Å"It is false that reason discovers them† – it is not possible to come up with innate knowledge, because through use of own reasons, these forms of reasoning are only deductions from established theories and knowledge, thus making it not anymore original. Reference 1690 AN ESSAY CONCERNING HUMAN UNDERSTANDING by John Locke. Retrieved October 24, 2007 from http://oregonstate.edu/instruct/phl302/texts/locke/locke1/Book1a.html#Chapter%20I      

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Nucor Competitive Strategy Essays

Nucor Competitive Strategy Essays Nucor Competitive Strategy Paper Nucor Competitive Strategy Paper NUCOR COMPETITIVE STRATEGY ANALYSIS CONTENTS 1. Case Profile 2. Situational Analysis 2. 1General External Environment (PESTLE model) 2. 1. 1 Political/Legal 2. 1. 2 Economic 2. 1. 3 Sociocultural 2. 1. 4 Technological 2. 1. 5 Environmental 2. 1. 6 Demographic 2. 1. 7 Global 2. 1 Industry Analysis (Porter 5 Forces) 2. 2. 1 Threat of new entrants 2. 2. 2 Bargaining power of suppliers 2. 2. 3 Bargaining power of buyers 2. 2. 4 Threat of substitute products 2. 2. 5 Intensity of rivalry 2. 3 Competitive Environment Analysis 2. 3. Future objectives 2. 3. 2 Current strategy 2. 3. 3 Assumptions 2. 3. 4 Capabilities 3. Strategic Analysis 3. 1 Strategies 3. 1. 1Operational level 3. 1. 2Business level 3. 1. 3Competitive level 3. 1. 4 Corporate level 4. Core Competencies 4. 1Tangible resources 4. 2Intangible resources 4. 3Capabilities 5. Value Chain 6. Sustainable Competitive Advantage 7. Performance Appraisal 8. SWOT Analysis 8. 1 Strengths 8. 2 Weaknesses 8. 3 Opportuni ties 8. 4 Threats 9. Strategy Formulation and Implementation 9. 1 New Initiatives to Sustain Growth APPENDIX 1: Top-30 producers by International Iron Steel Institute APPENDIX 2: Top Competitors Key Measures: NUCOR APPENDIX 3: FIVE-YEAR FINANCIAL REVIEW FOR NUCOR (2002-2006) Case Study Analysis: NUCOR 1. Case Profile Nucor Corp. , the U. S largest mini-mill operator1 and largest steel manufacturer by tons produced2, continues to lead the industry in efficiency, technological innovation, profitability and delivery of high quality products at low cost structure, after a record of more than 16 years of rapid growth in a declining industry3. And with a strong relationship with its workers without unionization, Nucor’s employees claimed to be the industry’s most satisfied, most motivated and most productive, making them a formidable workforce. This case considers how Nucor has achieved its success and how to sustain it. 2. Situational Analysis 2. 1. General External Environment (PESTLE model4) 2. 1. 1. Political/legal. The steel industry has seen rocky labour relations since the late 19th century with fatalities to striking workers4. Majority of workers are represented by the United Steel Workers of America. Another issue is the integrated steel producers have filed charges against importers of dumping steel prices, blaming them especially Japan, for declining market shares. Nucor’s plant in Hertford County was located on the banks of a fishery that required restoration in a law passed in 1997. 2. 1. 2 Economic. Steel industry is a cyclical business, subject to economic fluctuations since it depended on durable and capital goods (car, building). The industry does well during economic expansion and suffers losses and even bankruptcies during economic downturn. . 1. 3. Sociocultural. The industry became a source of employment, symbolizes American economic power and pride during good times and symbolizes economic decline and source of shame when foreign companies took over market shares5. 2. 1. 4. Technological. Technology drives major changes in the production process to increase flexibility, efficiencies and allowed automation which include the continuous casting technology, blast oxygen furnace and electric arc furnace. 2. 1. 5. Environmental. Nucor’s mill in Crawfordsville, Indianna was alleged to have violated federal and state clean air rules and discharge of 6,720 tons of pollutants into the air each year by U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2. 1. 6. Demographic. Mini-mills which are located close to customer base has moved as population of U. S. moved to south and west. Demographic shifts affect the industry since construction utilizes a significant amount of steel. 2. 1. 7. Global. U. S. steel exports were negligible although it had grown to 3% to 5% by the 1990s6. The U. S. teel industry has benefited greatly from the Japanese mill from their large investments in U. S. joint venture projects, new technologies, high productivity and quality product7. Globalization will subject U. S. steel makers to vulnerable changes. 2. 2. Industry Analysis Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 2. 2. 1) Threat of new entrants. For mature integrated steel industry, threat is low due to economies of scale, high capital inje ction, cyclical nature of business and difficult access to supply and distribution; but slightly higher for mini-mill because of lower capital commitment and scale. . 2. 2) Bargaining power of suppliers. For integrated steel makers, they have effectively neutralized the suppliers’ bargaining power by backward integration (steel makers acquiring coal/coke mines and transportation facilities). For mini-mill, their reliability on scrap metal has given supplier moderate to high bargaining power. Higher cost of scrap metal due to limited supply has forced mini-mill to more costly materials like iron carbide. Nucor reduced the bargaining power of steel scrap supplier by backward integration. 8 2. 2. ) Bargaining power of buyers. It is weak to moderate since producers can threaten major distributors and wholesalers with forward integration (taking over direct distribution). But the large buyers (e. g. car makers) have more bargaining power. For example, the U. S. steel producers had to fulfill Japanese automakers’ quality and standards before they were allowed to supply the Japanese auto plants in the U. S. 9 2. 2. 4) Threat of substitute products. The threat is high in applications where strength is a not crucial concern but cost is (e. g. lastic, wood, synthetic materials, fiberglass); low for applications that require strength since substitute materials are just not strong enough10. Also, the many composition steel can be produced reduce the threat. 2. 2. 5) Intensity of rivalry. It is a highly competitive market with high exit barriers since assets are specialized, increase of mini-mill competitors taking on production of steel sheets and other steel products, stagnant demand, many global competitors, commodity-like products that minimizes switching costs and customer loyalty and excess capacity11. 2. 3. Competitive Environment Analysis Nucor has grown to become the largest steelmaker in the US by tonnage2. To have a sustainable market leader position, it must continue to compete for more market share from the large, integrated steelmakers. Although Nucor is the first mover in the mini-mill sector, it must also compete against second movers. 2. 3. 1) Future objectives. Nucor’s primary objective is â€Å"the production of high volumes of quality, low-cost steel. †12 It has an ambitious annual earnings growth of 10-15%. Nucor’s competitors would have the same objective, but unlikely the same high annual growth. Nucor’s competitors will be less risk-taking, giving Nucor a distinct advantage since a risk-aversive approach produces lower returns. 2. 3. 2) Current strategy. Nucor’s strategy is cost leadership. Even if there are changes in the competitive environment, this strategy is preferred since steel is a commodity-like product. While some mini-mill competitors follow a differentiation strategy, most follow a cost leadership strategy, though not very successfully. 2. 3. 3) Assumptions. It is a general assumption for all competitors that cyclical fluctuations are continuous. Nucor’s competitors often looked like operating under a status quo while Nucor has grown to produce sheet-fed steel and stainless steel in its mini-mills, a seemingly impossible task. 2. 3. 4) Capabilities. Nucor’s strengths include highest productivity, lowest cost structure and a high profitability (30 years of continuous profits)13 in the industry and excellent labour-management relations. Nucor’s weakness, comparing to its competitors, is more exposure to short-term losses and temporary setbacks resulting from risk-taking. The large integrated steel producers are comparatively strong in terms of size, established customer base and economies of scale. In terms of tonnage produced, Nucor ranked 8th globally with 20. 3 tons in 2006 (Appendix 1). Nucor could further strengthen its position as it is not far from the world’s 2nd largest steelmaker (Nippon Steel, Japan) of 34. 7 tons. ROE wise (Appendix 2), Nucor is much stronger than its competitors with 29. 38 as compared to Commercial Metals Co’s 22. 63 and U. S Steel’s 17. 79. ROA wise, Nucor is also much stronger than its competitors with 15. 6 as compared to 8. 33 and 7. 13. Nucor is more financially sound than its competitors with a current ratio of 2. 06 as compared to 1. 69 and 1. 59. 3. Strategic Analysis 3. 1 Strategies 3. 1. 1) Operational level. Nucor’s operational level strategy is core process re-engineering. This includes pre-heating the ladles allowing for faster flow of steel into the caster, continuous casters and a processes design that limit work-in-progress inventory, limit space and increase flexibility. . 1. 2) Business level. Nucor’s business level strategy is low cost leadership, keeping with its primary objective of the production of high volumes of quality, low-cost steel. 3. 1. 3) Competitive strategy. Nucor is the industry’s catalyst for technology innovation. It pioneered and took lead of the mini-mill concept, which later produce sheet steel and thin slab stainless steel. Also taking risk with a focus on lon g-term gains (versus short term risks). 3. 1. 4) Corporate level. To achieve its goal, Nucor diversify throughout the steel business. Nucor ventured into traditional bastions of integrated steelmakers (sheet steel, stainless steel), not constrained by the mini-mill format. Nucor has engaged in numerous upstream and downstream diversification. 4. Core Competencies Core competencies are special capabilities that are critical to a business achieving competitive edge. It is harmonizing of diverse production skills integrated with technological development. 19 4. 1) Tangible resources. Nucor’s tangible resources include strong financial resources with a proven ability to generate internal funds and a track profitability record that gives it enormous borrowing power. Organizational resources appear slim without formal planning, coordinating or controlling systems. Physical resources include 8 high-performing mini-mills strategically located to customer base and good access to raw materials with the company’s new iron carbide plant. Nucor has considerable technological resources, mainly involving process. 4. 2) Intangible resources. Many innovative ideas come from its human resources. Human resources include knowledge of the business know-how, motivation to perform and strong worker-management trust and co-operation. . 3) Capabilities. This includes the capability to produce high volumes of quality low-cost steel, innovative technology, continuous process refinement, continuous productivity improvement, motivated workforce, strong corporate culture. Employees are encouraged to take risk and a high tolerance for failure is given. Employees have a sense of ownership, exceedingly loyal and share a common goal of ensuring Nucor’s meets i ts primary objective. These give Nucor a competitive edge that is costly and difficult to imitate17. And the costly duplication suggests that the resource or capability is inelastic in supply, earning the firm who possess it an economic rent. 18 5. Value chain analysis i. Support Activities Firm InfrastructureWith no formal planning or formal mission, possess a strong culture Human Resource ManagementNot unionized, rewards risk-taking, high tolerance for failure, performance based bonus plans, encourage employee suggestions Technology Developmentcontinuous process refinement, continuous improvement, licensing/buying technology ProcurementUpstream diversification, process innovation i. Primary Activities Inbound LogisticsOperationsOutbound LogisticsMarketing SalesService cost focused, coordinated with operational needsEfficient, low cost, high productivity, meeting or exceeding quality requirements, continuous improvementafter-sale support 6. Sustainable Competitive Advantage Sustainable competitive advantage is derived from the trust-based working relationships along with a high to lerance for failure, would allow Nucor to take the risk needed to produce sustainable growth. The source of this trust is in Nucor’s distinctive human resources strategy, which is characterized by informality, ad hoc planning, pay for performance, and employee empowerment. 14 7. Performance Appraisal For the last five years, Nucor’s sales have increased over 240% from $4. 33 billion (2001) to $14. 75 billion (2006). Average sales price per ton has increased 88% from $354 (2001) to $667 (2006). Total tons sold to external customers have increased 81% from 12,237,000 tons (2001) to 22,118,000 tons (2006) (Appendix 3) (Figure 1). This rapid growth has been derived from acquisitions, optimizing existing operations and developing traditional greenfield projects using innovative technologies. Nucor achieved record sales and net earnings in 2006 for the 3rd consecutive year due to historically high selling prices, margins and shipments. Nucor was strengthened as North America’s most diversified steel producer. With this diverse product line, Nucor’s short-term performance which is not dependant on any single market has been able to maintain profitability every year and every quarter since 1966. (Figure 2). Figure 1: Nucor’s Average Sales Price Per Ton Total Tons Sold Figure 2: Nucor’s Diversified Product Mix 8. SWOT Analysis 8. 1. Strengths 1. Strong financial resources (profits, returns) 2. Industry leading low cost structure 3. Motivated workforce 4. Strong corporate culture 5. Innovation resources 6. Trust-based relationships 7. Technological expertise 8. Strong physical resources 9. Strategic management leadership style 8. 2. Weaknesses 1. Vulnerable to losses and setbacks from risk-taking 2. Lack of formal organizational systems may reduce efficiency 3. High tolerance for failure risks potential loss 4. Vague marketing structure or strategy 8. 3. Opportunities 1. Expand into additional specialty products 2. Downstream diversification 3. Directly produce steel from iron carbide, eliminating the need for electric furnaces. 4. Growth and innovation through joint venture projects 5. Maintaining market leadership position 6. Exporting 7. Soaring global steel prices15 8. 4. Threats 1. Substitute products 2. Second mover mini-mill competitors 3. Integrated steelmaker competitors 4. Economic downturn 5. Sub-prime crisis in property industry 6. Globalization with consolidating competitors 7. Global oversupply (China slowed down by December 2004 and became net exporter) 8. A new technology called Finex (by Posco in South Korea) Weaknesses and Threats- Nucor does not have serious weakness but only unused production capacity and a non-differentiated product. Serious threats from foreign competitors (e. g. Acelor Mittal) consolidating could affect Nucor’s growth. Such intense rivalry may also lead to price wars. Weaknesses and Opportunities- With soaring steel prices, expansion and vertical integration would give a better return. Strengths and Threats- Expanding its product line could mitigate the threats from foreign and local competitors, given soaring steel prices will give better return. Consolidate with other steelmakers would make Nucor a bigger player globally. Using its market dominance, Nucor could negotiate with the government for better regulations against the foreign competitors. With its financial and leadership resources, Nucor should secure more backward integration into scrap steel market. Joint venture with Posco (South Korean steelmaker) to leverage new technology. Strengths and Opportunities- Nucor has the financial, human and technological resources to penetrate new market, to expand product range, to compete in the stainless steel market and to joint with Japan to open new market in the Asian region. . Strategy Formulation Implementation Nucor’s current strategy is working. Its unique corporate culture and distinctive human resources strategy which produced a non-substitutable trust-based relationship, give Nucor a sustainable competitive advantage, contrasting the antagonistic relations in the steel industry. This trust enables Nucor to take risk which facilitates its growth. As an engineer from a major integrated mill said upon visiting a Nucor plant, that Nucor’s culture were such that everyone work hard and help each other, collectively survive and meet with success. But theirs is one of aggression, confrontation and lack of trust. 16 9. 1. New Initiatives to Sustain Growth Nucor should further leverage its sustainable competitive advantage by expanding more aggressively, taking the following steps: 1. To build an additional iron carbide plant to increase the availability of low-cost raw materials. 2. To carry out market research to ascertain: a) Expand product line and downstream steel business (e. g. steel for building, bridges, highways, roof decking, flooring); b)Export market; c) Competitors’ current strategies, weaknesses and strengths; d) Joint venture partners and projects ) Expand domestic markets f) Backward integration (e. g. scrap brokerages) 3. To develop strategic marketing program 4. Add an employee stock ownership program to further reinforce employees’ sense of ownership and loyalty. REFERENCES 1. bizjournals. com/charlotte/stories/2008/04/21/daily34. html 2. anbhf. org/laureates/keniversen. htm 3. Johnson, G. Sc holes, K. (2005) Exploring Corporate Strategy: Text and Cases, Prentice Hall, London 4. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/U. S. _Steel_Recognition_Strike_of_1901 5. John H. Sheridan, 1996 â€Å"New Era – Or Breather? Industry Week, 5 February, pp 49 6. Brian K. Boyd Steve Gove, â€Å"Nucor Corp. And the U. S. Steel Industry,† In: Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization by Michael A. Hitt, R, Duane Ireland, Robert E. Hoskisson (Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College Publishing, 2001), pp C479 7. Bryan Berry, (1996) â€Å"World Steel: Competing Strategies in Metallics, Melting, and Casting,† Iron Age New Steel, 12(4), April, pp 74. 8. Bryan Berry, (1996) â€Å"World Steel: Competing Strategies in Metallics, Melting, and Casting,† Iron Age New Steel, 12(4), April, pp 76. 9. Bryan Berry, (1996) â€Å"World Steel: Competing Strategies in Metallics, Melting, and Casting,† Iron Age New Steel, 12(4), April, pp 76. 10. Brian K. Boyd Steve Gove, â€Å"Nucor Corp. And the U. S. Steel Industry,† In: Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization by Michael A. Hitt, R, Duane Ireland, Robert E. Hoskisson (Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College Publishing, 2001), p. C483 11. Brian K. Boyd Steve Gove, â€Å"Nucor Corp. And the U. S. Steel Industry,† In: Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization by Michael A. Hitt, R, Duane Ireland, Robert E. Hoskisson (Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College Publishing, 2001), p. C480 12. Brian K. Boyd Steve Gove, â€Å"Nucor Corp. And the U. S. Steel Industry,† In: Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization by Michael A. Hitt, R, Duane Ireland, Robert E. Hoskisson (Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College Publishing, 2001), p. C498 13. Brian K. Boyd Steve Gove, â€Å"Nucor Corp. And the U. S. Steel Industry,† In: Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization by Michael A. Hitt, R, Duane Ireland, Robert E. Hoskisson (Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College Publishing, 2001), p. C477-C507 14. Ted Kuster (1995) â€Å"How Nucor Crawfordsville Works,† Iron Age New Steel, 11(12), December, pp 36-47 15. usatoday. com/money/autos/2004-10-13-steel-prices_x. htm taipeitimes. com/News/worldbiz/archives/2004/03/26/2003107844 16. Bryan Berry (1996) â€Å"The Importance of Nucor,† Iron Age New Steel, 12(7), July, pp 2. 17. Barney, J. B. (1997) Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage, Wesley Publishing, Addison 18. McTaggart, D and Findlay, C and Parkin, M (2006) Economic, Wesley Publishing, Addison 19. Prahalad, C. K. and Hamel G (1990) The Core Competence of the Corporation, Harvard Business Review, Mar, 1979 APPENDIX 1: Top-30 producers by International Iron Steel Institute MtonSteelmaker 1117. 2ArcelorMittal (Global) 234. 7Nippon Steel (Japan) 332. 0JFE (Japan) 430. 1POSCO (South Korea) 528. 2Tata Steel (India) Including Corus Group 622. 5Shanghai Baosteel Group Corporation (China) 721. 2United States Steel Corporation (United States) 820. 3Nucor Corporation (United States) 919. 1Tangshan (China) 1018. 2Gruppo Riva (Italy) 1117. 5Severstal (Russia) 1216. 8ThyssenKrupp (Germany) 1316. 1EvrazHolding (Russia) 1415. 6Gerdau (Brazil) 1515. 3Anshan (China) 1614. 6Shagang Group (China) 1714. 6Steel Authority of India Limited (India) 813. 8Wuhan Iron and Steel (China) 1913. 6Sumitomo Metal Industries (Japan) 2012. 8Techint (Argentina) 2112. 5Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (Russia) 2211. 5Jinan (China) 2310. 9Magang Group (China) 2410. 8Laiwu Steel (China) 2510. 7China Steel (Taiwan) 2610. 5Shougang (China) 279. 9Valin Steel Group (China) 289. 8Imidro (Iran) 299. 5Industrial Union of Donbas (Ukraine) 309. 1Novolipetsk (Russia) Source: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/List_of_steel_producers This is a list of the largest steel-producing companies in the world according to the International Iron and Steel Institute. The list is compiled from its page Top Steel Producers 2006, but updated below from other sources. (Output in million metric tons crude steel; the country/region of producers basing specified in brackets) Total world steel output in 2005: 1,131. 8 million metric tons (mmt) Total world steel output in 2006: 1,239. 5 million metric tons (mmt) APPENDIX 2: NUCOR’S TOP COMPETITORS KEY MEASURES NUCORCOMERCIAL METALS CO U. S. STEEL- VALUATION PRICE/EARNINGS (TTM)11. 9910. 5616. 34- PRICE/CASH FLOW9. 9610. 7617. 40- PRICE/SALES (TTM)1. 060. 430. 85- PRICE/BOOK3. 672. 222. 59- PER SHARE DATA LAST DIVIDEND36. 4719. 512. 71- BOOK VALUE18. 7714. 2948. 33- EPS (TTM)5. 092. 277. 08- REVENUE16. 59 B8. 32 B16. 87 B- PROFITABILITY EBIDTA3. 02 B684. 52 M1. 72 B- OPERATING MARGIN15. 38%6. 93%6. 79%- PROFIT MARGIN8. 87%4. 27%5. 21%- GROSS PROFIT MARGIN18. 86%13. 94%10. 28%- DIVIDEND DIVIDEND YIELD2. 77%1. 26%0. 55%- PAYOUT RATIO36. 4719. 6512. 71- ANNUAL DIVIDEND (TTM)176. 5 M- - - DIVIDEND YIELD 5 YEAR AVERAGE3. 17%0. 90%0. 66%- GROWTH NET INCOME1. 47 B355. 43 M879 M- EPS (TTM)5. 09%2. 27%7. 08%- REVENUE16. 59 B8. 32 B16. 87 B- PEG1. 24%1. 58%0. 71%- FINANCIAL STRENGTH QUICK RATIO (MRQ)8. 874. 275. 21- CURRENT RATIO (MRQ)2. 61. 691. 59- LT DEBT TO EQUITY RATIO (MRQ)45. 9239. 0854. 38- TOTAL DEBT TO CAPITAL (MRQ)29. 6231. 4437. 07- ROE29. 3822. 6317. 79- ROA15. 608. 337. 13- ROIC (RETURN ON INVESTED CAPITAL)22. 0419. 0213. 41- ASSETS ASSET TURNOVER1. 692. 401. 08- ASSET PER EMPLOYEE545,895. 66667272,793. 63708557,714. 28571- INVENTORY TURNOVER9. 518. 637. 54 SOURCE: HTTP://FINANCE. AOL. COM/COMPANY/NUCOR-CORPORATION/NUE/NYS/TOP-COMPETITORS APPENDIX 3: FIVE-YEAR FINANCIAL REVIEW FOR NUCOR (2002-2006) FOR THE YEAR20062005200420032002 Net sales14,751,27012,700,99911,376,8286,265,8234,801,777 Costs, expenses and other: Cost of products sold11,284,60610,108,8059,174,6115,993,4924,335,409 Marketing, administrative and other expenses592,473459,460374,730165,369175,589 Interest (income) expense, net(37,365 4,20122,35224,62714,286 Minority interests219,121110,65080,84023,90479,408 Other income- (9,200 (1,596 (11,547 (29,900 12,058,83510,673,9169,650,9376,195,8454,574,792 Earnings before income taxes2,692,4352,027,0831,725,89169,978226,985 Provision for income taxes935,653709,834607,9065,18166,899 Net earnings1,756,7821,317,2491,117,98564,797160,086 Net earnings per share: Basic (1)5. 734. 193. 530. 210. 51 Diluted (1)5. 684. 153. 00. 210. 51 Dividends declared per share (1)2. 150. 930. 240. 200. 19 Percentage of net earnings to net sales11. 9 10. 4 9. 8 1. 0 3. 3 Return on average equity38. 3 33. 8 38. 2 2. 7 7. 0 Capital expenditures338,404331,466285,925215,408243,598 Depreciation363,936375,054383,305364,112307,101 Sales per employee1,2731,1591,107637528 AT YEAR END Current assets4,683,0654,081,6113,1 82,1321,639,7841,429,305 Current liabilities1,421,9171,228,6181,042,776615,067573,697 Working capital3,261,1482,852,9932,139,3561,024,717855,608 Cash provided by operating activities2,251,2332,136,6151,024,756493,801497,220 Current ratio3. 3. 33. 12. 72. 5 Property, plant and equipment, net2,856,4152,855,7172,818,3072,817,1352,932,058 Total assets7,893,0187,148,8456,140,3914,511,5774,394,944 Long-term debt922,300923,550923,550903,550894,550 Percentage of debt to capital15. 3 17. 0 20. 2 26. 1 25. 8 Stockholders’ equity4,857,3514,312,0493,481,2812,370,8732,349,770 Per share16. 1413. 9010. 917. 547. 51 Shares outstanding300,949310,220319,024314,361312,720 Employees11,90011,30010,6009,9009,800 Source: secinfo. com/d14D5a. u7c82. c. htm#1stPage

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The eNotes Blog 10 Simple Study Strategies forFinals

10 Simple Study Strategies forFinals 2. Get Organized Early Tis the season for holiday cheer and final exam fear! Perhaps you’ve been here before, recognizing that the only thing standing in the way of your highly anticipated winter break are a few assessments that demand your time and attention. It can be a daunting realization that leaves you feeling overwhelmed and anxious. We understand your frustration and the prospect of procrastination, so we’ve come up with 10 simple study strategies to help reduce stress and boost your confidence as you prepare for finals. 1. Create a Schedule Time management is the key to success. Use a planner or calendar to carve out at least 15 to 20 minutes a day for study time. This could be as simple as reading notes on the bus, before bed, or while you have some downtime between classes. By dedicating just a few minutes each day to reviewing your exam materials, the better chance you have of retaining the information long-term. 2. Get Organized Early Don’t wait until the week before your exam to start collecting your study materials. The earlier you start gathering and creating your study aids, the easier you’ll make the study process. Getting an early start allows you to have plenty of time to locate missing assignments, create detailed study guides, and even reserve study rooms in advance. Plus, it will feel great to not have to dig through your entire backpack when youre ready to study.   3. Start with Your Most Difficult Subjects It may be helpful to create a to-do list, so you can assess what will take up most of your time. If you know that you have a dense, cumulative exam in your most challenging course, start prepping for that first, even if it is not your first exam. By gauging how much time different tasks will take you, you’ll be able to enhance your time-management strategies and focus your attention on the content you need more time to learn. 4. Join a Study Group Studying together allows students to share information and insight that you may not have retained on your own. Even if you haven’t talked to anyone in your class, you’ll be surprised how many of your classmates are willing to help each other come exam time. It’s nice to have the support and realization that you are all in the same boat.   Also, you don’t have to have had study groups at the library. Try hosting a potluck study dinner or meeting up for an ice cream. Surrounding yourself with other people who want to perform well on the exam will be contagious!    5. Change Up Where You Study By changing up the places you study, the less dreadful the process can be. The library during finals week is like Walmart on Black Friday. Look into other places on campus, coffee shops, or even a quiet place outside. The goal is to find an environment that has limited distractions and encourages focus. Changing your study environment will help you remember more material, because you can associate it with the different places you were studying when you learned it.    6. Limit Distractions Put away your phone. If you have too much separation anxiety, at least turn it off for 20 minutes. We all know how easy it is to start aimlessly scrolling through hours of news feed. By removing distractions altogether, you’ll be surprised what you can get done. If you really can’t avoid surfing the internet, it may even be helpful to block certain websites for a couple hours. I promise that the video of the cute sneezing panda will still be there once youre done.   7. Talk to Your Teachers Believe it or not, not all teachers want you to fail the final exam. Try to find a good time to ask your teachers questions. You can attend their office hours, chat before or after class, and even send them a short email if you can’t track them down in person. Your teachers are the ones creating the exam; therefore they’ll be the best guides at determining if you are on the right study track. You may be surprised about how much they reveal about the exam and what you can do to ensure a high score. Plus, it never hurts to showcase the effort you are making to study the materials they worked to teach.   8. Simulate Test Conditions Test anxiety can drastically alter the outcome of your performance. Regardless of how much you prepare, sometimes nerves just get the best of you. It’s extremely helpful to simulate test conditions and take a practice test. Go into a quiet room, set up a timer, and put away anything you won’t be allowed to use during your actual exam. This will give you a feel for how things will be during test time and hopefully make you feel more confident about what to expect. This is extremely helpful for exams that require short-answer or essay sections. 9. Allow Breaks and Rewards Studying can be a grueling task. You do not need to lock yourself in a room with fluorescent light for six hours. If you’re partaking in a long study session, allow yourself to take breaks at least every half hour. Take a walk outside, call a friend, or do the hokey pokey. You do not need to punish yourself throughout your study process. You deserve to reward yourself after a solid study session. Find things that will help motivate your studying so that youll feel more inclined to complete your work.   10. Take care of yourself Mental and physical health are super important, especially come finals time. Stress will make you sick and susceptible to the seasonal bug that is lingering among your classmates. There is no need to pull an all-nighter if you manage your time wisely. (I know, easier said than done.) By ensuring you get enough sleep, exercise, and are not submitting to a vending-machine diet, you will be in a much healthier state come exam time. You should also look into what free services your school provides to students during finals, which often includes massages, puppy play dates, and tons of free food.    As good ol’ Benjamin Franklin once said, â€Å"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.† You do not have to dig yourself into a hole this exam season. You have all the tools to be successful. Remember, everyone has a unique style of studying, so find what works for you. Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor! _________________ Don’t forget to check out - we have over 40,000 book  study guides written by teachers, literary scholars, and PhD candidates and a variety of study tools including practice quizzes, eTexts, and essay assistance. Homework Help also grants the opportunity to ask our experts your toughest academic questions across a variety of different subjects. Thinking this could be useful? Sign up for a 48-hour free trial today!

Monday, November 4, 2019

Family Support Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Family Support - Case Study Example Now, her and Leon reside in a studio apartment in substandard living conditions. The toilet constantly runs, and there is peeling paint, which can become a safety hazard to the baby. Marceline and Leon have complained to their landlord about these issues; however, the landlord is not receptive to the complaints, though, he does allow Leon and Marceline to pay the rent late, so long as they pay in the same month and pay the late fee. Along with the financial trouble that she finds herself in, she is having relationship troubles, as Leon is very impatient towards her son, who obviously suffers from a developmental or behavioral problem of some sorts, and he is not at tentative to her, since the both of them have fallen into financial trouble. She has fallen into alcoholism to cope with life's difficulties, as she states that she consumes a number of alcoholic beverages during the evening in order to calm her nerves, and she abuses other substances from time to time. Leon engages in thi s behavior right along with her for the same reasons. Marceline is very confused about who to remain in a relationship with, as she has been intimate with Michael, as a result of troubles with Leon, and Michael wants to be in her life again, helping and caring for his son Michael Jr. Marceline is so consumed with her troubles that she has even considered suicide as a means to ridding herself of the current problems and frustration at hand. In addition to her relationship troubles, her son, Michael Jr. is having troubles of his own. Michael Jr. is twenty-six months old. He is extremely avoidant, and has significant troubles communicating his wants and needs. He does not try to talk, and he throws tantrums on an almost constant basis. His young mother is so overwhelmed with him that she takes him over to his grandmother Grace's house, who is the mother of Michael Jr.'s father, and this woman also wants to take full custody of him because she feels that she is able to care for him bett er than his mother, who has even stated, out of frustration, that she has no desire for him, as she regrets having this child because she is unable to bond with him, due to his behavioral issues. Marceline is actually willing to give this child to Michael and his mother Grace without issue because the baby already spends a significant amount of time over at Grace's house, and Leon is in agreement. Though Marceline is frustrated with her son's behavior, and though she is fed up it is noticed that this is not what she wants to do, as she ends her first session by stating that she wishes to move in with Grace and her first love, Michael. In order to repair this family's situation and bring about stability, there are a number of issues that need to be addressed in a systematic fashion. In order to even begin helping the family tackle any of their issues, interviews need to be conducted with parties will be significantly involved in the outcome of Marceline and her son Michael Jr. These individuals are the baby's father, Michael, Grace, who is Michael's mother, and Marceline herself. There is no need for an interview with Leon, as he is merely a man on the side, and Marceline's goal seems to be that she wants to restore relations with her husband and move into her husband's family's home. Though she states in the beginning that she wants to repair her relationship with Leon, this is not what she really wants, as her statement at the end of her session makes

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Halloween as a Ritual of Reversal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Halloween as a Ritual of Reversal - Essay Example Halloween overcomes the normal order of things in a variety of ways. Some of the costumes include gown black, like bats. This is mostly dressed because they symbolize that bats always operate during the night. Also, bats are thought to be creepy and this put people to think they would symbolize the link with the dead the other common costume symbolizes the black cat this was due to at the end of the autumn season symbolized the act of reincarnation. Most people believed that cats were more close to witches and this also another reason why they would prefer black cats. Others costumes that do come in handy are the skeletons this are perceived to show or portray the link between the living and the dead. The skull is unique in its own as it is used to show courage and not afraid of death. Costumes and masks are dressed to symbolize that during those days one could hide from the evil spirits. The spider web is always common because it shows the stages and process of life as a progress and not a one off thing. Halloween can be a strong tool in bringing America together as one without any discrimination of race it by portraying The USA as people who had a specific origin. It has grown to be so prevalent in The USA by the fact some of its history was found in there. It has been more popular due to the different race that is in America; people of different backgrounds who have met in one country. The influence of the media and social media cannot be

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Compare And Contrast The Ideas, Background, And Philosophies Of Essay

Compare And Contrast The Ideas, Background, And Philosophies Of Confucius And Buddha - Essay Example On subsequent rides, he encountered a deceased body and a sick one. It was at this point that he became aware of the suffering of humans. Even the wealthy, he realized, were unhappy and frustrated, with all men susceptible to disease and death from the disease. This led him to believe that there existed more in life than pleasures of a transitory nature. Becoming disturbed by all that he had seen, he left the palace, bidding his family farewell and leaving his possessions. He was penniless, as he wandered and made attempts at asceticism, which he later abandoned (Fowler 236). It was at this point that, upon deep reflection, he became convinced that he was the enlightened one, Buddha. Confucius, on the other hand, although, of noble birth, was born to a poor family. Born in the state of LU, his father passed away when he was young, leaving him under the care of a poor mother. He was in minor government service as an official during his youth, resigning the position later. Aged nineteen, he married Qi Quan, and he had a child by her at twenty, named Kong Li. Confucius then spent his next sixteen years as a teacher and his philosophy attracted quite a few disciples. The government of Lu granted him a high position when he was in his fifties, but court enemies brought about his dismissal after four years. Leaving the state, he became an itinerary teacher for thirteen years, before returning to Lu for the final 5 years. In his earlier life, he was reported to be a bookkeeper, clerk, cowherd, and a shepherd (Yao 190). ... This led him to believe that there existed more in life than pleasures of a transitory nature. Becoming disturbed by all that he had seen, he left the palace, bidding his family farewell and leaving his possessions. He was penniless, as he wandered and made attempts at asceticism, which he later abandoned (Fowler 236). It was at this point that, upon deep reflection, he became convinced that he was the enlightened one, Buddha. Confucius, on the other hand, although, of noble birth, was born to a poor family (Yao 190). Born in the state of LU, his father passed away when he was young, leaving him under the care of a poor mother. He was in minor government service as an official during his youth, resigning the position later. Aged nineteen, he married Qi Quan, and he had a child by her at twenty, named Kong Li. Confucius then spent his next sixteen years as a teacher and his philosophy attracted quite a few disciples. The government of Lu granted him a high position when he was in his fifties, but court enemies brought about his dismissal after four years. Leaving the state, he became an itinerary teacher for thirteen years, before returning to Lu for the final 5 years. In his earlier life, he was reported to been a bookkeeper, clerk, cowherd, and a shepherd (Yao 190). After his court dismissal, he embarked on a winding journey that covered Cai, Chen, Song, Wei, and other states in central and northeast China where he articulated political beliefs in their courts, which he did not see implemented. Both Buddha and Confucius challenged authority. Buddha had quite a different view to religion as compared to his native Hinduism (Fowler 240). He felt that Hinduism had begun to degenerate into superstition, magic, rituals, polytheism, and empty philosophical disputes and

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Progress report on internet abuse and employee productivity case study Essay Example for Free

Progress report on internet abuse and employee productivity case study Essay The internet has able to improve business by increasing productivity because of improved information dissemination and decision-making, however employers are concerned by employees who use it for their personal and social needs during working hours which occurs because the workplace give them a sense of privacy. The monitoring of employee internet use has created tensions between employers, who monitor employee use to protect data leakage and check employee productivity, and employees, who feel a breach of trust whenever monitored, who suggest that casual internet use is not detrimental, and who have felt emotional and physical problems because of monitoring. The internet has had significant impact in the 1995 economic boom despite studies which show that this is only felt in the microeconomic level. A UN report has shown that American employees are less productive than their European and Asian counterparts because they cannot improve side-by-side with the effects of Moore’s Law. Organizations which have put in investments in technology improvements have not felt the supposed exponential increase in revenue and increase in market share because they have not reduced input resources such as the number of employees and that their employees have not increased in knowledge or productivity. It was suggested that to reduce productivity losses non-internet tasks should increase, productivity benchmark methods revised and incentives given to productive employees. IT was also suggested that to avoid employee-employer conflicts, the employer must give ample time for internet use, enforce a written internet and e-mail use policy, forge a company website that will help employees to finish tasks, and keep a friendly working atmosphere. The employees in turn must not use the internet often for personal use and enhance their productivity in line with the company’s premier interests. I have completed the entire research project and found out that employee and employer relations can be resolved following my proposed guidelines which I have made after preceding research from articles in magazines and books. I have found that employees regard monitoring as a beach of trust and had felt emotional tolls during monitoring by their bosses. Employers on the other hand only move to monitor to ensure the security of company data. I have found out that employee productivity has decreased with the increase in IT investments among companies. I have proposed guidelines and suggestions basing on my readings to decrease worker productivity losses. Work Completed I found this survey conducted by Mercer Management Consulting and have gathered that companies though they have invested much on improving technology to increase their business’ efficiency, have not yet felt the projected increase in sales. I have gathered from an article on The Economist that according to the joint research venture between MIT and U Penn the paradox that is the decrease of worker productivity despite increase in IT investments can be attributed to the factors they have laid out. This information I have placed under Technology vs. Productivity. After connecting ideas, and finding the real root of this paradox, I have now searched for references to build a suitable to-do list for employers and employees to resolve the worker productivity losses. I read a New York Times copy dated February 9, 2000, with an article saying that employers who give incentives to productive employees contributed to the increase in US productivity in the 2nd quarter of 1999. I have gathered form a copy of PC week that filtering and monitoring policies increased productivity of employees, from this idea I suggested in my research paper that employers must impose strict e-mail and internet use policy. Conclusion After so much consideration of facts, I have come up with a research paper that will explain the problems of employee productivity and internet abuse and guide employees and employers while joining forces to reduce productivity losses. Reference Gupta, Jatinder, and Sushil Sharma. â€Å"Improving Worker’s Productivity and Reducing Internet Abuse. † The Journal of Computer Information Systems 44. 2 (2004): 75-78.